You could win a FREE feeder & seed package from Moore’s!
We’re on the hunt for videos of our feathered friends enjoying our beautiful feeders – and we need your help! In January and February of 2022, upload a video of a bird visiting your Moore’s feeder using the upload form below, and each month we’ll select a winner of a Window Feeder and seed package! How does it work? It’s simple!
- See a bird at your feeder? Grab your phone or dSLR camera and start filming! Both vertical and horizontal videos can be used.
- Visit this page on your phone or computer.
- Click or tap the ‘+’ icon on the app below and upload. Once you see the checkmark, it’s a success!
- Email us at [email protected] and let us know you’ve uploaded.
- We’ll select our favourites and contact the winners for shipping information.
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