You could win a FREE feeder & seed package from Moore’s!

We’re on the hunt for videos of our feathered friends enjoying our beautiful feeders – and we need your help! In January and February of 2022, upload a video of a bird visiting your Moore’s feeder using the upload form below, and each month we’ll select a winner of a Window Feeder and seed package! How does it work? It’s simple!

  1. See a bird at your feeder? Grab your phone or dSLR camera and start filming! Both vertical and horizontal videos can be used.  
  2. Visit this page on your phone or computer.
  3. Click or tap the ‘+’ icon on the app below and upload. Once you see the checkmark, it’s a success!
  4. Email us at [email protected] and let us know you’ve uploaded. 
  5. We’ll select our favourites and contact the winners for shipping information. 

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